Thursday, January 23, 2025

January Record Shopping in Los Angeles, California.


Frank Black's Teenager of the Year turned 30 in 2024, and FB and the original band decided to embark on an anniversary tour to celebrate the LP by playing it in its entirety. What they were not going to embark on was a journey to a tour date anywhere near the NW, and I really needed to see this show. TOTY is one of my all-time favorite albums, and I'm almost positive he did not come to the NW on the original tour. I saw his first-ever solo show in Eugene at the WOW Hall after the first record, and caught The Cult of Ray tour in Portland a few years later, but did not see him come around in between. And I was looking. 

I decided on Los Angeles because I have friends down there I'd been wanting to visit (and who I could crash with), but also because TOTY is steeped in LA lore, recorded by an LA band in LA. So I figured I'd go all-in on the LA-ness of it all. 

And I did. I really only had Saturday to deal with, so I made sure my friend and I had some time carved out to hit Amoeba, because it is easily one of the most beautiful places on earth. It's not often these days you get to be in a record store where like 35 employees are on the clock. It's invigorating. And the youth! They were everywhere, coveting overpriced Rumours reissues. But at least they were there. 

And so was I, for maybe about two hours, which is really not that long, particularly when the place is busy, and it was. But I put in my work. Here is what I got:

E.G. Daily - "Mind Over Matter" 7" (1987)

I am a big fan of the movie Summer School and though I do own the soundtrack, I did not have this, which I believe is the lone single from the LP. Now I just need the 12" version, which has what I'm sure is a very hot remix on it. The music video for this with the Summer School cast is somehow not a special feature on the DVD or Blu-Ray and that is a large oversight. 

Styx - "Mr. Roboto" 7" (1983)

My daughter loves this song and I can get down with it, too. I remember giving Styx a shot when I was a teenager. My neighbor had a copy of Equinox (among other 70's Styx staples) and I thought the cover was pretty sweet so I listened to the record and it just was not for me. A little too tinny and mythical or something.

Big Lady K - Bigger Than Life (1990)

Gotta admit I hadn't heard of Big Lady K, but this record was pretty cheap and from 1990, which are both solid selling points for me.

Viagra Boys - Welfare Jazz (2021)

I think I looked into getting a copy of this sometime in the year after it came out and felt the hype was too hot for my pocketbook. It must've calmed down, because I got a good deal on this. I'm not as hot on their new record, but man, this one still rips

Frank Black & The Catholics - True Blue (2023)

They had copies of the Teenager of the Year reissue at Amoeba but I thought nah, I'll get one at the show; give the money straight to the band! So instead I bought this, which was recorded in 2001 live to one-track and is now being made available in all its mono glory. These are demos from around the time of the Black Letter Days album. Haven't listened to it yet. Oh and of course I went directly to the merch table when I got to the show and they were already sold out of the LP. Luckily I was able to overpay when I got home.

The Comfortable Chair - The Comfortable Chair (1968)

I am not a Doors encyclopedia, but I am a confirmed fanboy and I either didn't know or forgot about this 1968 LP produced by John Densmore and Robby Krieger. It was wisely filed in with the Doors stuff and I got, yet again, a great price on it. Very curious to listen to it. Looks like some hippie bullshit but I trust my boys.

I'll say it again: it's just makes you feel alive to be in a big-ass record store that is absolutely pulsing with people of all ages looking for whatever they're looking for. Makes me happy. What also made me happy was Amoeba having a rap section in their huge wall of cassettes, even if it wasn't too extensive. I still managed to find five:

The Sylk Smoov and Success-N-Effect are sealed, which is always unexpected. Thought I might already have that MC Shan tape but I looked at my list while I was there and it turns out I have zero MC Shan tapes, which sounds about right. 

The Frank Black show was worth the trip. They opened with two songs from the first, self-titled FB LP, then played TOTY in its entirety, in order, and closed with three more songs from the first record. Nothing but '93-'94. I had a great seat because I was by myself and it all worked out well. 

And then I got pantsed on the streets of LA after the show by a drunk guy who then flipped me off and mooned me. My underwear stayed up so it was no biggie, but wow did I not see that coming. Still worth it.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

November Record Shopping in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I haven't traveled for work in years. The only thing I miss about it is record shopping in strange cities during the minimal downtime. It's always worth it. So, when I found myself in Las Vegas for a boring-ass work thing last week, I looked at the only two hours I had available and earmarked them for some time-constrained local patronage. Turned out my coworker - also a record fan - was on the same flight home as I was, so we hatched a plan to split a taxi to the airport right after we Ubered over to Record City, a place that was, honestly, the closest to Caesars Palace and, according to the photos on the internet, packed with LPs and every other kind of media. 

The photos did not lie, and in fact, may not have done it justice. I could've spent a full day at this place. There were thousands of LaserDiscs. I had to move stuff to get to other stuff. Teetering stacks were threatening collapse at every turn. And the prices were fair! My kind of place and I could have done some serious damage given four hours but I was only afforded about 90 minutes so I did what I could. 

I should have taken a photo of the LD/DVD area to the left of where I'm looking in this photo. I do have a small LaserDisc collection, but I generally don't care enough about LDs to drag any home. I did get four DVDs: Helloween High Live, C-Bo: Live and Uncut, Hittin' It, and Urban Massacre. I could have found more but I was too busy digging through the records, which were everywhere. Here's what I left with:

Criminal Nation - "The Right Crowd" 12" (1991)

NW rap via Tacoma on Nastymix. Been looking for this group's albums on cassette and don't ever see them. This song has got some new jack swing to it. 

B.O.X. - "Rock 'Dat A**" 12" (1991)

I admittedly am not familiar with this artist or this song, and that's why I grabbed this. And I think it was like three bucks. "Beyond Ordinary X-Istence indeed. 

C.P.O. - "This Beat is Funky" 12" (1990)

From BOX to CPO. I was definitely spending time in the haphazard 12" singles sections. This is one of two singles from CPO's only LP and I should really go back and listen to it; it's been a while. Love the idea of MC Ren having his own record label but I think this was the beginning and end of that.

The Master MC Stacy G. - "Prove It" 12" (1988)

Was not familiar with this outfit either but this was a signed copy at a fair price and I would have picked it up even it wasn't signed (very sincerely to a guy named Barry). This song is not strong. 

V/A - Hit Hip Hop on Hot Vinyl (1985)

Mixed by Dr. Dre when he and Yella were still with the World Class Wreckin Cru. The electro-rap revolution did not happen, and that's OK. I know there's a good reason why 2 Live Crew is on here but I can't think of it. Dr. Dre performing surgery on the humble beginnings tip.

Luke, etc. - "We Bring You Joy" 12" (1993)

Luther Campbell in sincere mode rounds up a gaggle of his label's artists to crank out a truly assy Xmas track I bought for two bucks.

Darwin Gross - Darwin's Blues (1986)

Didn't expect to find any private-press Oregon LPs while there but I guess I didn't expect not to, either. Don't recall ever seeing this one. It's easygoing jazz out of Oak Grove, led by a guy who, turns out, was the 972nd Living ECK Master

Let My People Come: A Sexual Musical - The Original Cast Album (1974)

Apparently I wasn't passing this up for a fiver. Looks pretty gay.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

July Record Shopping in San Luis Obispo.

It was me and my wife's 15th anniversary this past week and since she has been dreaming for years of staying at the Madonna Inn, we decided to make it happen. We spent four nights and only had a few concrete plans during the days, so I knew I'd have some downtime with which to take the rented Kia Forte out and search for records. This isn't a heavily populated area, so I knew there wouldn't be an abundance, but I found some spots and had a good time doing it. Everything was pretty close. 

My first stop was Boo Boo Records, probably the "main" record store in town. They had a good selection, but not a ton of used stuff if I recall correctly. I got a few things:

Fanny - Mother's Pride (1973)

Think I still need to find the first few Fanny albums, but I didn't have this one. I really need to watch that documentary about them.

Grace Jones - "Crush" 7" (1987)

My 80's 7" collection is really coming into its own and I do suppose it could use a little more Grace Jones. Didn't know this song but knew it would be weird and it is. 

The Three Wise Men - "Thanks for Christmas" 7" (1983)

This is XTC under a fun Christmas name and I will tuck this away and break it out in December.

Next I stopped at a small vintage mall with a record store in the back, aptly named Ed Taylor's Back Room Vinyl. Ed's got a great selection of classic rock, including Beatles fanzines and other ephemera. I only found a few things, but had a great time flipping through that little room.

Lou Reed - Transformer (1972)

I have so many of Lou Reed's other solo records and strangely, I have never owned this LP. But I'm very familiar with it and was just waiting to find an early pressing that wasn't overpriced. Finally paid off. Got this, which is maybe a first press, for like 17 bucks and it sounds great. Cover is solid as well. Just had to get out of Portland to save 25 bucks on it. I understand why Lou Reed didn't want to be remembered primarily for this record but man, there are so many good songs on this album.

Martin Mull - Near Perfect/Perfect (1979)

Been thinking about Martin Mull since his recent passing and seemed like I should grab this when I saw it. Used to watch him on Fernwood 2 Night on Nick at Nite and not understand a lot of the jokes but laugh anyway. 

After that I drove about ten minutes to Pismo Bay, where I found Phantom Stranger Records, a comfortable little location with a healing crystal shop inside. I saw a lot of crystal content while in the SLO area, and I wasn't even looking. Must be big biz down there. I did not check out the crystals, but I did spend a good hour poking around and ended up with some stuff. Also had a great chat with the dude behind the counter. And he cut me a hot deal on some 45s. Really cool spot. Here is what I purchased:

Compton's Most Wanted - "Growin' Up in the Hood" 12" (1991)

Banger from the Boyz N The Hood soundtrack. I've got a solid CMW collection when it comes to cassettes, but not much on vinyl. This was mildly spendy but it's in great shape. 

Madhouse - "6" 7" (1987)

Promo single for the song "6" from the album 8 from one of Prince's many side projects, and one that gets overlooked more than the others. Maybe it's the instrumental nature of the music that doesn't ultimately connect with people, but man, this is some funky stuff. 

Don Henley - "The Boys of Summer" 7" (1984)

Been talking with anyone who will listen lately about what a dildo Don Henley is and what an absolute 10/10 song "Boys of Summer" is. It doesn't keep me up at night, but it concerns me. Was talking about it with my wife on the way down and told her that I was sure I'd find the 45 - which I've been lazily looking for for a while - on our trip, and of course I did. The deadhead sticker line in this song is iconic, but the "got your hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on" gets me every time. 

Kim Wilde - "You Keep Me Hangin' On" 7" (1987)

This should be any respectable person's 80s 45 collection. Wasn't in mine. 

LeVert - "Casanova" 7" (1987)

Hadn't thought about this song in a minute, but it remains smooth. 

Harold Faltermeyer - "Axel F Theme" 7" (1984)

Thought I had this but I guess I don't. 1984 really was the greatest year for pop music. What a track. Just watched the new Beverly Hills Cop and really enjoyed it. Ridiculous movie, but that's what you want. 

I also picked up Positive K's The Skills Dat Pay Da Bills on cassette, as well as a tape by a rap group called SFC, which I just now put together stands for Soldiers for Christ. It's from 1989 and it's going in the collection. Oh and I also got a DVD called Through the Years of Hip Hop Vol. 1 - Graffiti that looks pretty budget but it was cheap. 

Next I hit a spot called Games Exchange, which had a lot of records but they were mostly common classic rock stuff and they weren't very well organized and I just really didn't feel like dealing with 'em. I instead focused on DVDs, which they had plenty, and other stuff they had around. Got a magazine promoting the original Woodstock documentary at a great price, and I also got some DVDs: The Detroit Pistons Bad Boys episode from the 30 for 30 series (which I may already have in a set?), the final season of Grounded for Life, Zappa Plays Zappa, The Up Series documentary set, and Planet Brooklyn, costarring Bonz Malone. 

And I picked up some cool buttons and two sealed packs of 1987 Topps baseball cards, which I will be opening tonight. The guy behind the counter and I had some good jokes about not eating the gum inside. 

I moved on to A Satellite of Love, an expertly curated vintage shop/record store where I fittingly picked up a March 1975 issue of Creem magazine with Lou Reed on the cover, ready to go to war with Lester Bangs. I also grabbed these two records:

Kate Bush - Kate Bush EP (1983)

A mini-album intended to give Kate more shine in the US, I guess? I need to listen to more of her music and this one seemed like a good option. Cover is great, of course, too. 

Michael McDonald - "I Keep Forgettin'" 7" (1982)

More smooth sounds for my 80s 45 collection. 

Next up was Vinyl Isle, recommended to me by the clerk at the previous store. Wasn't far away, and look at that storefront! This is what you're looking for. It was indeed a cool little spot and I picked up a May 1981 issue of Rolling Stone with Susan Sarandon on the cover and a handful of 45s:

Nu Shooz - "Driftin'" 7" (1988)

Lesser-known single from the Portland crew, and one of their last. 

Simple Minds - "Don't You (Forget About Me) 7" (1985)

This is the "Breakfast Club cover" version, which feels right. I have a bunch of Simple Minds singles but somehow didn't have this one. 

Juicy - "Beat Street Strut" 7" (1984)

Bought this on a whim, knowing it would be more disco than rap, and that's OK. 

David Lee Roth - "Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody" 7" (1985)

Diamond Dave in his prime and a remixed version on the flip. Wish Dave had more B-sides from his solo era. That band was bonkers. 

David Lee Roth - "Stand Up" 7" (1987)

I enjoy the entire Skyscraper LP, including this song (though it is a little goofy ultimately) and side B on this is "Knucklebones," which is a real beast of a track. Lil Stevie Vai just putting in work. 

Didn't take a picture and didn't get any records there, but at some point during this day I stopped at Cheap Thrills, one of the other major record stores in SLO. They also have a video game/DVD/All Sorts of Anime Shit I Don't Understand side of the store, and I ended up getting some DVDs: Juggalo Championshit Wrestling Vol. 3, Best of IWA Wrestling, and a vintage street fighting video that I will say no more about. Had those in hand and was ready to leave when I remembered a movie I've been looking for and just gave it a last ditch chance in the ol' comedy section and there it was: Whiteboyz, a movie that I really love and own on VHS, and that people are trying to get too much for on the internet. Got it for 7 bucks. 

My wife and I were sitting in the bar at the Madonna Inn on Thursday night, when who should walk in but Micky Dolenz, who was playing a show near there the next night. (You can see him there in the black hat.) I didn't bug him - my wife insisted I shouldn't - but seeing him made me realize I really wanted to catch his show the next night. After our anniversary dinner we went to see Micky Dolenz at the Fremont Theater and it was a blast. He ran through all the hits, paid tribute to his fellow Monkees who are no longer with us, and cracked corny jokes like only he can. It was incredible to be in the same room and hear his voice. 

Think I'm about to take a deep dive into the Monkees. I'm due. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

June Record Shopping in New Jersey, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

In the summer of 1993, my brother and I - both teenagers - traveled by ourselves to Pennsylvania to visit family on our dad's side, with plans to sightsee with our grandparents and aunt/uncle, etc. The trip ended up being a defining moment in both our childhoods, as the timing of our weekend trip to Washington, DC, coincided with a free concert by Fugazi - one of our absolute favorite bands at the time - at the Sylvan Theater, an outdoor venue right down the hill from the Washington Monument. In On the Kill Taker had just come out and the show, honoring the 30th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s March on Washington, was huge. Here are a few pictures I took:
The first picture is early in the show, and you can see in the second photo, taken later, how the stage just kept filling with people. It really felt like something, even at the time. We both bragged heavily to our friends upon our return. For years.

Anyway, we had spent the previous week at Ocean City, New Jersey, a family-friendly coastal destination-type place that featured a sprawling boardwalk and also provided a lot of memories that stuck with us. I always wanted to get back there. 29 years later we made it happen, traveling to Pennsylvania to visit a lot of that same family, including my Grandma, who turned 99 this year, and spending time at Ocean City and some surrounding areas.
Of course I got in some record shopping when I could, starting with Rock Star Headquarters, a boardwalk shop that was there in 1993, as evidenced by the photo at the top of this post. I wasn't sure it would still be in business, but like a lot of things at Ocean City, it was still standing, notably different but markedly the same. I showed my old photo to the guy behind the counter and he told me his dad owned the place and 1993 was around the time he started working there as a young teenager. I can't remember exactly what their music section was like the last time I was there, but now it's all vinyl, and a decent variety:
The prices were boardwalk-inflated but I didn't find too much after flipping through all the used records anyway. I did walk out with these:

Jan Hammer - "Miami Vice Theme" 12" (1985)

I've already got some old Crockett and Tubbs photos on the wall in our 80's-influenced guest room, so this picture disc will complement that somehow.
Die Laughing - Running From the Guns (1990)

This was sealed and a couple bucks, and I really don't know why I bought it other than the cover just being generally bonkers. Very Australian.
It was raining one morning at the beach and I used the downtime to shoot over to The Rock Shop, an independent record store inside Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing, NJ. They had a lot of new vinyl, but they also had a good selection of used stuff, as well as cassettes and lots of ephemera. I got a bunch of records:

Mudhoney - "Pump It Up" 7" (1994)

I've had the cassette single for this track (a fun Elvis Costello cover) since it came out; I distinctly remember buying it at Fred Meyer after being surprised it was there. Not sure I've ever seen this version, with George Clinton on the flip, though. It's on red translucent vinyl and was released on Fox Records. PCU remains a terrific movie.
Go-Go's - "Our Lips Are Sealed" 7" (1981)

Been getting back into 80's 45s (where I got my record-collecting start!) and let's not act like this isn't one of the greatest pop songs ever. Just an absolute delight.
Go-Go's - "Head Over Heels" 7" (1984)

This one, too. The hook on this song is just too good. Currently deciding if I should bother keeping all my 80s singles in protective sleeves. I probably should.
Ann Wilson - "The Best Man in the World" 7" (1986)

I may have let my allegiance to Heart get the best of me on this one, but hey: It's from The Golden Child, so that must count for something? Same song on both sides. Ann had done that big-time Footloose duet with the dude from Loverboy, but this was her first major single on the solo creep. It's only OK.
Prince and the Revolution - "Take Me With U" 12" (1984)

Promo single with the album version on both sides. Cool purple cover.
Prince - "1999" 12" (1982)

Promo single with the single version on side A and some other album tracks on the B. Both of these singles are in good shape and will make my ever-impressive Prince collection that much sweeter.
Men Without Hats - "Pop Goes the World" 12" (1987)

This song is an old favorite of mine and my daughter currently enjoys it so I've kind of had my eye out. Three different mixes on here, plus the album version. And I've been going hard on 80's 12" singles recently, so this continues that trend.
V/A - Zebrahead OST (1992)

I can't remember what got me thinking about this movie recently, but I haven't seen it in years and I keep meaning to rewatch it. So it made sense that I found the soundtrack. Some solid '92 rap on here including MC Serch, "Nasty" Nas, BO$$, The Goats, and even some Kool Moe Dee.
Tangerine Dream - Thief OST (1981)

My pal David over at The Vinyl Score is a huge fan of this record (go here to see him break it down), and when we got to talking about it I had to admit that I hadn't heard the soundtrack because I hadn't seen the movie. I ended up watching Thief a few months ago and absolutely loving it and wondering why I hadn't watched it way sooner. It's got Heat vibes, big time. Which makes sense. This is all to say I was keeping my eye out for this one and boom: I found it. RIP James Caan.
V/A - Johnny Be Good OST (1988)

I have an unabashed love for this film that is rooted in my early teenage years, when I watched it at a friend's house repeatedly. I still think it's funny. Not funny: when they released it on blu-ray they put out the PG-13 version, not the "re-rated R" version that was originally available on VHS and laserdisc. Also, this LP appears to have some really shitty music on it.
V/A - Bad Boys OST (1983)

Sean Penn's first lead role and a great movie that I haven't watched in a long time. Very 1983 soundtrack that was never released on CD featuring Billy Squier, Little River Band, and Prism. Perfect for mood music during juvenile prison gang rumbles!
The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders - In Training with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (1982)

Includes a 24-page booklet with detailed photos and instructions on how to work out just like a real Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Looks exhausting. And wow, there is an amazingly shitty cover of "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" on here.
A day or two later I formulated a plan to go to Philadelphia and be back at the beach at a reasonable hour. Philly's only about an hour away from Ocean City, so it was mad doable. I looked back at my posts from the first time I record shopped in the city (11 years ago) because I distinctly recall being in two different really awesome basements filled with records and I wanted to get back there.

The places were The Philadelphia Record Exchange and Repo Records, and the Exchange opened earlier, so I made that my first stop. I found parking way quicker than I thought I would. Philly is an insane place to drive for a NW boy like me and I just assume the worst. I was mildly traumatized by driving/parking the second time I went record shopping there, and figured I might run into madness again. Instead, I found free street parking about a block away and was 20 minutes early.

I killed time by walking around and eventually stopping in an aggressively healthy store and paying too much for a smoothie that was so thick, with a straw so thin, that it was undrinkable. I took the lid off, tried to chug, failed, got a bunch in my beard, and flung it in the trash before entering the Record Exchange, which did not look familiar to me at all.
After I was in the shop a while, observed no basement entrance, and truly had the feeling I'd never been there, I asked the clerk if the store used to have a basement. He told me that was the old location (which also explains why the neighborhood did not ring a bell), and they hadn't been there in years. Made sense. Disappointing, but I moved on pretty quick. Here is what I left with:

V/A - Found 7" (2004)

I am a fan of Found magazine and I did not know they put out a record with some found audio. White vinyl and I have not listened to it yet.
Charo and the Salsoul Orchestra - Cuchi-Cuchi (1977)

Charo on the disco tip.
Madonna - "Like a Prayer" 12" (1989)

Madonna dance remixes from the 80's are something my whole family can agree on, so we keep a lot of them around. Didn't have this one.
Eric Bachmann - Eric Bachmann (2016)

I got into Crooked Fingers a long time ago and then that sputtered out. Still like to listen to Archers of Loaf here and there. Found this sealed and thought I'd give it a shot.
Men Without Hats - "The Safety Dance" 12" (1983)

Another Men Without Hats 12" and another extended remix.
Eurythmics - "Who's That Girl?" 12" (1983)

Yeah, I guess was hitting the 80's singles hard. This is the UK version and it's a 12" 45 which always sounds the best. This is a great song and I think it's an extended mix? Great cover, too.
Madonna - "Like a Virgin" 12" (1984)

1984 was such an insane year for pop music. We listen to the American Top 40 station on iHeart Radio, which just plays wall-to-wall episodes. It's terrific, but they need to divide the channel up into 70's and 80's instead of playing them both. The 70's ones are embarassing for society. Some real garbage in there. But I was listening to one from the summer of 1984 the other day and "Ghostbusters" had just knocked "When Doves Cry" out of a four-week top-spot run. What a time to be alive. Anyway, this record also came out that year and I thought I had it but I don't.

Scoundrel - Burning Up the Night (1981)

Private press rock? They have a violin player. Figured I'd check out the local talent.
Roxanne Shante - "Go On Girl" 12" (1988)

This is one of Roxanne's stronger cuts and I didn't have this one and it was very cheap.
Julie Brown - "I Like 'Em Big and Stupid" 12" (1983)

Backed with her hit, "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun," which has not aged well.
Jacksons - "Torture" 12" (1984)

Look at that ridiculous cover. Six-minute-plus dance remix on this one. We listened to Victory a lot growing up.
Young MC - "Bust a Move" 12" (1989)

Somehow didn't already have this and it was a buck. 1989 was such a great year for rap. I gotta introduce my daughter and her friends to this one at the next dance party.
I got out of there and headed toward Repo Records, which was not super close, giving me another cherished opportunity to navigate the thin, one-way streets of Philly, dodging pedestrians and bicylists like a game of Paperboy. I found Repo, found great parking again somehow, and then walked into a store that I did not recognize, with no visible basement entrance. I went through the same thing with the clerk there, and they had moved, too, also a long time ago. So, no dank basements for me. But I got some stuff:
Sonic Youth - Battery Park, NYC July 4th 2008 (2009)

2019 reissue of a 2009 limited edition live album.
Bananarama - "Venus" 12" (1986)

Special edish with alternate cover art and bonus remixes. Classic cut.
Otis Redding - The Otis Redding Story (1987)

4xLP comp that preceded the Otis! 4xCD box set I got for Christmas in 1993. I'd always wanted this one just to have it - it doesn't have anything rare on it - and they had it priced real nice so I grabbed it. Records are in real good shape and it has the original booklet. I could listen to Otis sing all day.
After hearing a daughter tell her mom that the Nirvana shirt she was suggesting to her was "basic," I hit the road and tried to go to Beautiful World Syndicate, which I had been to before and really enjoyed, but it was closed. I checked for anything else close by and found a place called Vinyl Altar, a metal/industrial/comic book/board game shop that was black everywhere and I was not their target customer.
That being said, they had a ton of cool shit: tapes, patches, lots of new vinyl, video games...just a lot. I grabbed a few things, including an October 1989 edition of Kerrang! with Portland's own Dan Reed on the cover, and these records:

Robert Plant - "Big Log" 7" (1983)

I hear this track on American Top 40 here and there, and while the title makes me mildly uncomfortable, I do enjoy the song.
Doctor and the Medics - "Spirit in the Sky" 7" (1986)

I'm not a religious man, but I love this song. The original, this cover - really enjoy it.
Fuzzbox - "Love is the Slug" 12" (1986)

And speaking of "Spirit in the Sky" being covered in 1986, here's another version of it. This one's real cool too.
After returning to rural Pennsylvania when we left the beach after a relaxing week, I found a few hours to hit a shop in Maryland that was only about 35 minutes from where we were staying. I always forget how close together everything is over there. After taking some backroads through farm country, I emerged in Frostburg, and quickly found Yellow K Records.
The person who ran the shop wasn't there, and the woman who was running the vape shop in the same room was covering, but not playing any music. It is so weird to be in a quiet record store. It just feels off. I spent a good amount of time there and the prices were good, but I just didn't find too much.
Here are the couple records I grabbed:

Frank Black - Teenager of the Year (1994)

This is often acknowledged as my favorite album of all time, and I've owned an original copy for a really long time. (Actually got it signed in person by FB, no big deal.) This is the 2019 RSD reissue on double white vinyl, and somehow they were selling it for twelve bucks. It's used, but still in the shrink: hot deal.
Isis - Isis (1974)

All-female rock from the 70's that I have not heard before. I've been getting down with Fanny lately and expanding my horizons.
Our flight home, out of Pittsburgh, was in the late afternoon and I was able to convince my wife to let me hit a few places before we made our flight, assuring her they would be in neighborhoods where there was stuff she could do. Jerry's Records is in a really cool little neighborhood and has an unassuming facade, but when I saw the stairs upon opening the front door I knew I was in for something special. The view from the top:
And then when I got to the record store proper, I couldn't believe it:
I mean, my god. It was mammoth. This picture kind of does it justice, but it's barely half of it and you can't see some of the hidden aisles and the hallway between the two main rooms that houses thousands of comedy LPs. It was back in those recesses that I met an older gentleman who I figured was Jerry. I told him it was a really great shop and he said, "Yup, it's diverse." No kidding. That being said, you could argue it's diverse to a fault, with huge easy listening/vocal/show tunes sections that I can't imagine are ever going to be worth the time and space they take up, but maybe I'm naive.

Here's the room on the other side that's roughly the same size and dedicated to jazz:
I could have spent the better part of a day there, but I had about an hour and I did OK, considering. They had a decent rap selection and I was able to get through a bunch of other stuff, too. And their prices were very fair. Really cool shop. Can't remember why I didn't buy a t-shirt. Got a great sticker, though. Here are the records I got:

Julie Brown - "Trapped in the Body of a White Girl" (1987)

Another Julie Brown single that hasn't aged particularly well, but she always meant well. "Will I Make It Through the 80's" is on here and that's a fun cut.
John Valby - Give Me Dirt or Give Me Death (1980)

Potty-mouthed musical comedian weirdo. I have one of his other records and I think I got it on the east coast...? Really I just wanted to buy something out of that big-ass comedy section and this cover is pretty good.
Fanny - Rock and Roll Survivors (1974)

I really want to see that new Fanny documentary that's out. I was late to the game with them but I've owned a copy of their Fanny Hill LP for a while now and I like it. Haven't heard this one but looking forward to it.
Paris - "Guerrilla Funk" 12" (1994)

Paris 12" I did not have. Includes the real-sweet "Deep Fo' Real" mix.
Daddy D - "Player Posse (Out Like O.J.) (1995)

Daddy D was part of Queen Latifah's Flavor Unit for a minute, and his one album is strangely rare. It's a long story on why I look for his stuff, but I've had this one my list for a while. There's a cassette version that I would really like to find at some point. Both are promos.
Nonchalant - "5 O'Clock" 12" (1996)

Wish this had some remixes on it, but the standard version is still real good all by itself. Such a good song.
Lordz of Brooklyn - "Saturday Nite Fever" 12" (1995)

Somehow didn't have this. I've been looking for a copy of All in the Family, the LP this is from, and I just never see it. Sweet remix on here.
V/A - Paradise Alley OST (1978)

Found this sealed for cheap and said what the hey. Gonna put it with my wrestling records.
One last stop. Upon recommendation from the dude behind the counter at Jerry's, we headed over to Attic Records, tucked away in a nice little spot, with some great murals up front:
My wife opted for a car nap while I had an hour to kill in the store. They had a crazy selection, and again, I could have spent so much more time in there. I hit what I could and this is what I left with:

Schoolly D - How a Blackman Feels (1991)

I've been listening to old Schoolly while walking my dog recently and this is one of his LPs that I didn't have. After looking for rap records the whole trip, I finally managed to find some.
Above the Law - Black Mafia Life (1992)

Been looking for this one, casually. Above the Law LPs are kind of hard to come by. This one is in good shape. Proto-G-Funk.
V/A - It's Christmas Time Again (1982)

Stax Christmas comp from the early 80's that looks to have some real cool songs on it. Gonna stash it till December, at which point I will have forgotten I bought it, and then it will be a sweet surprise, holiday style.
V/A - Rap's New Generation (1988)

Rap comp with some not-so-well-known names on it. Probably a label thing. Great cover. We'll see about the cuts.

Eight shops in three states. Not bad for a family vacation.