Not seeing Pavement in their heyday was always a huge regret of mine, and though I wasn't positive they wouldn't get back together, I wasn't holding my breath. So when they announced their reunion, I was excited. Then began the wait for an Oregon show. It took a while, but they got here. I was expecting more of a Crystal Ballroom-type affair, but the Edgefield it was. Your parents probably saw David Gray there a few nights ago. Anyway. I'll take Pavement wherever I can get 'em.
Turns out Edgefield wasn't a bad place to see a show (I had never been there for live music before). The 6:30 start time was a little confusing - I'm used to shows starting at 9:30, not ending - but once I got past that, I was good to go. I took a good friend and we got there around 6, found some sweet parking, and ponied up near the front of the stage before the show even got going. Boom.
Quasi opened, and when it comes to bands that I have unintentionally seen repeatedly, they are at the top of the list. Pretty sure this was the fifth time I've seen them, and yet I've never gone to a Quasi show to see Quasi. Whatever. They've got Joanna Bolme on bass now, and though it hasn't added some crazy new dynamic to the band, they do sound fuller, especially on the guitar songs. They played a nice short set (finishing up with the crowd-pleasing "You Fucked Yourself"), and made way for the dudes from Pavement. I was giddy.
Just a few days earlier, Pitchfork had named "Gold Soundz" the best track of the 90's, and whether that had anything to do with them opening it with it, I don't know. And I don't care. It ruled, and it kicked off a two-hour show that featured them playing songs from all over their catalog (check the setlist here), though they mostly favored earlier stuff. As a sad fanboy who loves all their records almost equally, there was no way they were going to leave me feeling gipped, so I just rolled with it. And it was sweet.
They even played "And Then," the early version of the "The Hexx," during their encore. If you know what that means than you know why that is awesome. I love the shit out of that song.
I could gush forever. But I won't. I'll just say that this show ruled. Because it did.
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